Blue Belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu

When I started Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu back in 2018, I wasn’t entirely sure if it was something I would genuinely enjoy. I had already tried swimming, working out, boxing, and a bunch of projects in other areas that I simply gave up on – to the point where people who knew me back then thought I always gave up too early on things (meaning I was “fickle”).

Interestingly, the people who know me today already consider me a more dedicated and ambitious person, and I’ve even received some compliments that I am “an example.” And all of this began in 2018, thanks to the many people I met and the decisions I made.

I changed my way of looking at life and started dedicating myself more to the things I wanted to do. Some things changed in my life quickly, others took time to happen, and there are still things I’m working on achieving.

And yesterday, I achieved another goal: I reached the blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. This proves that I’m not a complete beginner (even though I still need to improve in many aspects).

Despite changing gyms, despite being inactive for about 2 years, despite getting injured often and getting beaten up by more experienced practicioners, despite knowing that I don’t have a strong natural inclination for conflict, and despite questioning myself at least once a week if Jiu-Jitsu is really for me or if I should just give up… I managed to move on from the white belt, which I held for 5 years.

For some, it might seem trivial – just a change of belt with no practical consequences in other areas of life. But for me, it’s an important symbol of the internal changes that have been happening since then. It’s a symbol that the sabotaging and cowardly voice in may head, that always wants to give up and stay in its comfort zone, has less and less power over me.

All of this is thanks to the 24-year-old me who decided to break the inertia and try to make something of his life. I would love to look back and tell my 2018 self that we are getting closer to who we want to be one day.

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